
This website is part of an ongoing effort to present the facts surrounding the crisis in academia. As such, there will be continuous updates with further analyses, so please check back frequently.

This site is not officially affiliated with UC or UAW. We operate independently to avoid red tape.

In addition to analyses, our mission is to create clear and transparent communication of information collected from various sites. In addition to a repo, we will also be posting clean and cited datasets for your own analyses!

Please share this site widely and get involved if you can! We always need more help.

Analyses in progress:

  • Off-campus housing

  • Transportation

  • Department case study

  • Compensation

  • Student wellness

  • UC budget

  • HDH budget

  • A path forward

In the meantime, here are some other sites we will be aggregating from:

UCSD Finances: A Faculty Perspective on Budget Cuts
An anonymous faculty-made analysis published in 2020

UC Student Housing
A site by UCSD's Student Housing Association with on campus analyses (2021)

UC Accountability Report
Contains current and historical accountability reports

UC Information Center
Data hub for UC. Note: analyses may be biased

UC Finance
President's office financial report

California's Analysis of Major UC Proposals
Review of UC's proposals by the state of California